We participated in Centre Gives 2024, an online fundraising event held May 8 & 9th. 2024. Centre Gives is hosted annually by the Centre Foundation, a local non-profit dedicated to inspiring and facilitating a culture of giving and engagement that cultivates a vibrant, equitable, and inclusive community.
Supported by a stretch pool of $300,000, nonprofits like CRDSS can participate in Centre Gives to earn additional monies over and above donations received. They may also compete for prizes!
This year, CRDSS received $4,633 in donations (before stretch pool monies), won a $500 Power Hour prize, and won two $100 Wheel of Philanthropy prizes.
On May 9th, Centre Gives hosted Centre Gives Fest, a party to celebrate the final three hours of Centre Gives. CRDSS hosted a balloon pop game which was a big "hit!" Thank you to volunteers Susie Williams, Zack Williams, Michele & Tim Dunleavy, Andy & Anne Marie Rodgers, and Jason Johnson for sharing CRDSS with the community during Centre Gives Fest!